Celery: Ph Balancer, Super Toxin Fighter

The more alkaline your body is, the less chance you have of being afflicted by the disease. This is because disease thrives off things like mucus and acid. Celery is a major alkaline food. This means it has an extremely high toxin removal rate. It purges the body of acid, and poisons and cleanses the liver and bloodstream like nothing else.

Heart Health

Celery contains compounds called coumarins, which are known to enhance the activity of certain white blood cells and support the vascular system. Celery is rich in vitamin A, magnesium, and iron, which all help to nourish the blood.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Celery also has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it an essential food for those who suffer from autoimmune disorders. Medical Medium® www.medicalmedium.com

Joint and Bone Support

Celery’s rich organic sodium content has the ability to dislodge calcium deposits from the joints. It also contains significant amounts of calcium and silicon, which can help repair damaged ligaments and bones. Can Help Heal: Rheumatism, arthritis, anemia, auto-immune illnesses, acidosis, and high blood pressure.

Other Potential Benefits:

Purifies the bloodstream, improves digestion, prevents migraines, relaxes the nerves, clears up skin problems, detoxifies

the body, and is a natural diuretic. Healing Tip: Fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful healing juices you can drink. Just 16 ounces of fresh celery juice a day can transform your digestion and overall health in as little as one week. Make sure to choose organic celery when possible. Drink the juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

Tasty Tip: If drinking celery alone is difficult for you, try adding one to two apples to the juice for a bit of sweetness.

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